For those who read Harry Potter, a Horcrux is an object in which a wizard or witch has hidden a fragment of his or her soul for the purpose of attaining immortality. I think Blogs have something similar with Horcruces.
1. Bloggers write about their thoughts and interests and some even add pictures/videos that show a part of their personality or "soul".
2. According to a harry potter website I found, constructing a Horcrux is supposed to be considered extremely dark magic. It violates laws of nature and morality, and requires a horrific act as well as murder to accomplish. I don't think extremely dark magic is required to blog but they can violate the laws of morality and sometimes bloggers can do a horrific act or even "murder" a person's character on their blogs.
3. Constructing a horcrux takes a part of the soul hence, a wizard can only create a limited number of horcruces. (Lord Voldemort has 7.) Blogs on the other hand, only take a part of your time and writing talent, so a blogger can create a s many blogs as he wants.
4. A Horcrux have certain magical abilities which includes the ability to influence those in their vicinity. Blogs do not have magical abilities but they can influence those who read it.
5. Blogs, like horcruces, can grant immortality to its creator.
Check out my other horcruces/blogs on parenting and food. This blog will tackle any other topic that goes into my head.
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